A rapid prototyping platform that turns your ideas into reality
From concept to reality in record time
At TheIncLab, we specialize in transforming visionary concepts into functional prototypes that go on to deliver real value and solve real problems. Our mission is to accelerate innovation, and provide you with the tools and expertise needed to bring your ideas to life at the speed of relevance.
Rapid and Tangible
Get something real in months, not years
We deliver prototypes with unmatched speed and quality. The TIL Process, refined across more than 150 successful projects, takes ideas from the back of a napkin and makes them a reality through custom hardware fabrication. We execute this process with a battle-hardened team of product & business strategists, UI/UX designers, subject matter experts, engineers, and software developers. We take great pride in what we deliver, how we deliver, and ultimately, what our work accomplishes for customers.
Feedback, Implemented
Constant feedback implementation to keep your idea on track
We know the value of our service is inseparable from how close your vision is represented in the final product. That’s why we ensure that the voice of the customer is heard clearly throughout the entire design and engineering process. We provide multiple touchpoints to review ongoing work and conduct user-centered design sprints that elicit the right feedback to keep guiding progress towards your goals and needs.
Multi-modal Delivery
Realize your solution on any technology platform
Our team has experience building prototypes across many technologies and platforms. We can build your prototype as a desktop application, mobile app, web or cloud platform, or augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) experience. Need something more customized? A fully networked immersive simulation experience? A brand activation using LIDAR for spatial tracking of participants? A web platform for users to showcase and value their collectible antiquities? We have worked with industry leaders to create multi-modal interactive experiences, using custom hardware fabrication, we tailor solutions to our clients specific and often esoteric needs, and are excited to bring your vision to reality next.
Our process in action